Paying with these cards allows you to minimize cash needs and also allows you to withdraw money from any ATM machine with only being charged a small withdrawal fee. The fee differs between banks. Be sure to call your bank before your departure to tell them where you are going and for how long so they won't freeze your account.
The debit cards given by the bank have the compatibility of Visa, MasterCard. However, Visa is the most widely accepted card worldwide.
If you bring cash, you can exchange it but be aware that you will lose more money as they charge for their services. Please also keep in mind that most places in Europe will not accept traveler's checks anymore.
Also, be prepared to pay for water in restaurants and/or bars and sometimes a little fee for restroom use (usually 0,50 EUR).
We suggest you have some spending money available and our recommendation is around 20 US-Dollar (15 EUR) per day for meals not included, snacks, drinks, postcards, some souvenirs etc. It is not imperative that you have this amount of money, it is just a recommendation from our end and depends how much you plan on spending.
There are many ways to lower your expenses such as:
- Most restaurants abroad have menus outside, so you can check their price range before you enter it.
- Venture off the main roads to find a restaurant. These usually have more character, better food, and also better prices.
- Bring your own water bottle because most places have safe tap water to fill it up with.
- Buy food from the "convenient" stores (supermarkets). You don't have to sit down in the restaurant for every meal. It can also be very interesting to see the different products offered in a foreign convenient store.
- Hop around for souvenirs if you plan on purchasing some because many stores have the same things on sale for very different prices. You just need to compare the prices.
Last but not least, remember that your Incantato Tour Managers are with you pretty much 24/7. They are there to help you make the right choices abroad and answer all the questions you may have.
We hope you are looking forward to your upcoming performance tour with us.
Your Incantato Tours Team
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